Saturday 30 August 2008

My Own, Private Yahoo

You guys are such good support. I love you all.

I'm sorry I had to start moderating messages. The spammers found me.

This week's corrections: I see the nurse on the 5th.
I start treatment on the 11th.

Good thing, too. I'll still be well on the 10th when we have a new date for signing the final papers to sell our house. I wonder what it was like before lawyers?

We went to an after-the-convention Obama party last night. It didn't turn out to be what I thought it might be, more like a normal summer dinner party in Provence. But the food was great and the company was excellent

One guest was the former head of Reuters, worldwide. Fascinating, but scary. You don't want to know the news that the news channels are skipping. But, being a news freak (thanks to living in the U.K.), I guess I'll make Reuters my home page.

The pharmacy is not the place to go for wigs, odd because that's where you go for everything else. You go to a hairdressing establishment and give them your prescription. This promises to be entertaining.


  1. Gee my regular doctor is a kinda short dumpy middle-aged woman. I may have to move to France.
    Keep getting better.

  2. Margot, your sense of humor and courage are amazing! In awe! As to wigs, have some fun! There are some extraordinary wig shops in Marseille in the North African market--a wig a day can help keep despair away!

  3. So would Reuters be a better home page choice than the NYT? :)
    You have so much going on right now...and congratulations on selling l'ecole.
